The Joint International Postgraduate Program “Advanced Skills for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the BIO Health Sector” has been developed within the European Project BIOHEALTH Gear Box Alliance (BIO-ALL), funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus +, KA2 program (code 600936-EPP-1-2018-1-PT-EPPKA2-KA).
This training program will be implemented jointly in Portugal (Universidade da Beira Interior), Italy (Universitá Politecnica delle Marche) and Spain (Universidad de Granada).
Students who complete all the planned training at the University of Granada will be able to obtain the Master’s degree in BioHealth Entrepreneurship and Innovation (pending approval).
For the preparation of the contents of this international postgraduate program, the recommendations of more than 100 companies, universities, accelerators and incubators of the BioHealth business ecosystem in Portugal, Italy and Spain have been taken into account. This has resulted in a complete and unprecedented training in the European Union in the field of BioHealth entrepreneurship.
The Master is designed to be carried out in an academic year or – if it is carried out in a modular and flexible way – can be extended in time, according to the diplomas taken by the student in each course..
Therefore, the Master in BioHealth Entrepreneurship and Innovation (60 ECTS) may be requested by those students who have passed the three titles linked to this training:
- Postgraduate Diploma in BioHealth Business Creation (20 ECTS)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Biohealth Business Management (20 ECTS)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Biohealth Business Development (20 ECTS)
These Diplomas include theoretical/practical classes online, seminars in BREAKER , and three weeks of international mobility with visits to companies in the BioHealth sector in the Postgraduate Diploma in BioHealth Business Development, as well as complementary activities based on projects (attendance of hackathons, round tables and entrepreneurship events).
The teaching staff of all three Postgraduate Diplomas embodies professors from the University of Granada, as well as academic lecturers from other Spanish, Portuguese and Italian universities. In addition, training sessions have been included with prominent businessmen and professionals from the bio-health sector that will enhance the connection between the university and the business ecosystem, providing their knowledge and experience to the students.